
Sample Required: Blood | Test Type: Genetic

Key Advantages

  • Analyses 62 genetic variations within 20 genes 
  • Gives accurate and actionable recommendations on approximately 150 different prescription drugs 
  • The study of the relationship between genes and response to drugs has been the subject of intensive research over the past two decades and robust evidence now exists to support testing under clinical conditions. 

There is a great deal of variability in how a patient responds to medications due to the genes that govern drug metabolism. Pharmacogenomics empowers the doctor to provide patient-specific medical intervention and replaces the current trial and error approach to drug therapy. 


A pharmacogenomics test gives insight into how each patient metabolises, transports, and binds specific prescription drugs, which in turn allows practitioners to prescribe those compounds that are most likely to prove efficacious, to avoid those that will not, and in many instances to adjust doses to safe yet therapeutic levels.  Such a personalised approach to medicine has the power to produce better results, particularly for individuals whose genetic profile puts them at risk of experiencing either treatment failure or an adverse reaction from a given drug. 

Patients most likely to benefit from MedCheck testing include those: 

  • Experiencing side effects to specific medications 
  • Not responding to specific medications 
  • Requiring doses outside the recommended range 
  • Planning to start on a new medication