Award-Winning Science To Make You The Best Version Of You.
Leading the way in Nitric-Oxide (N-O) replenishment and function.
Ready to bring N-O to the masses, Neogenis Laboratories, now HumanN, was founded in 2009. Consulting with the top N-O scientists, doctors, registered dietitians and healthcare thought-leaders, there is no other company more committed, or qualified, to bringing the best N-O functional foods and supplements to every human across every phase of life.
Every product from humanN is made with the highest quality, clinically researched ingredients that have been rigorously tested and approved by our team of scientists and industry experts.
Nitric Oxide is essential to all life. So it’s essential that we all know about it.
Nitric Oxide is critical in our bodies. Without it, we can’t live. In fact, the loss of Nitric Oxide has been linked to cardiovascular health complications.
N-O signals our blood vessels to relax, helping to dilate the arteries and increase circulation. It is essential to our very existence. And while it’s abundant in our body’s systems, it’s unstable and depletes, requiring it to be replenished.
Science-Led I 1998 Nobel Prize
Striving to advance and lead the charge in N-O research and product innovation, HumanN has on a unique team of scientists, spanning the complete range of relevant disciplines. Together, this team constitutes an unparalleled level of expertise and experience in the area of nutrition, functional foods, supplements, and Nitric Oxide research.
Dubbed the “miracle molecule,” the discovery of Nitric Oxide, the first gas to be identified as such, won the Nobel Prize in 1998. This discovery is what HumanN is built on.
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