How to Detox Naturally: Supporting Essential Organs Through Toxin Overload

Written by Dr Thomas Wnorowski August 02, 2024 Key Points: There are mixed thoughts on whether detox support is necessary. But it’s important to remember that we face more environmental toxins and chemicals than ever before. Enhancing our detox pathways helps us manage those toxins. Some symptoms that indicate you may need to detox include […]

6 Worst Foods for Gut Health (& What to Eat Instead)

Written by Dr Thomas Wnorowski July 05, 2024 Key Points: Unsurprisingly, the worst foods for gut health are usually the most heavily processed ones. As we nurture our microbiome, it’s important to prioritise a diet of whole and nutrient-dense foods that provide us with the tools we need to fuel our gut ecosystems. People with […]

Early Signs of Gastrointestinal Disease and What You Can Do About It

Written by Dr Thomas Wnorowski  June 21, 2024 Key Points: Gastrointestinal diseases are on the rise — and one of the best ways to avoid a diagnosis is to recognise symptoms and treat them early on. While we shouldn’t feel ashamed to talk about gut symptoms, they shouldn’t be normalised either. It’s time to take […]

Best Foods for the Gut Microbiome: How to Create an Environment for Recovery

Written by Dr Thomas Wnorowski  June 14, 2024   When considering gut health, we must prioritise the gut microbiome. While microscopic, gut bacteria are essential to forming a healthy ecosystem free of digestive issues. It helps to support the immune system, blood sugar regulation, and digestion as a whole. A diet that supports your gut […]

Healthy Coffee Alternatives: When to Quit Coffee & What to Drink Instead

Dr Thomas Wnorowski February 16, 2024 Key Points: Does the idea of quitting coffee make you feel all sorts of (terrible) things? It’s common. But sometimes cutting back on coffee can help you take back your health — and there are tons of coffee substitute options you might just fall in love with. Although coffee […]

Unlocking the Power of Phospholipids

Jessica Kane Berman with Nat Niddum Phospholipids provide the building blocks for cell membranes which support healthy brain function. The value of these in longevity and health optimisation are explored in this podcast episode. Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Share: Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Related Posts

Mould Uncovered: How to Protect Yourself From Mould in Your Food and Home

Dr Thomas Wnorowski August 19, 2020 Are you suffering from symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, or asthma, and are struggling to find relief? Maybe your health has been steadily declining but no one has been able to help you with a diagnosis? If this sounds like a story you can relate to, it is […]

7 Powerful Supplements for Energy

September, 2023 Key Points:  Before exploring the best energy supplements, it is important to understand the root cause of low energy. Everything from hormone imbalances to gut dysbiosis and toxic burden can impact how you feel on a day-to-day basis. Find your root cause and choose supplements for energy that target it. Turn to minerals and […]

Is Coffee Bad for Your Gut? Debunking Myths & Eliminating Your Fears About Coffee

Dr Thomas Wnorowski 02 October, 2023 Is coffee bad for your gut? Probably not. If your gut is already sensitive, then you might experience symptoms from your morning mug of coffee (think an impromptu bathroom run). But in general, drinking coffee is known to decrease mortality rates and provide nutritional benefits.  While coffee itself isn’t bad […]

7 Impressive Kefir Benefits & How to Make This Nutrient-Dense Probiotic Drink

BodyBio Written by Dr Thomas Wnorowski adapted by FxMed One probiotic food you may not have heard of is kefir. A fermented milk drink, kefir is basically yogurt’s cousin, but with even more probiotics and a tangy flavour. Let’s dive into the kefir benefits and how you can make this delicious fermented drink a part […]

Kiss those toxins goodbye!

Supplements may support healthy detoxification without contributing to nutrient depletion  If you’ve spent time with any health-orientated friends lately, you probably know a lot about detoxification. It’s a holistic health buzzword — and no, it’s not just a fad. As our world slowly becomes more toxic (allowing pollution into our water, air, food, and indoor […]

Butyrate Foods: What It Is and What Foods Contain Butyrate

People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? In the health and wellness community, butyrate has become a household name seemingly overnight as more awareness is surfacing surrounding its benefits for our microbiome. People who want […]

Sodium Butyrate vs. Calcium Magnesium Butyrate

People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? Key Points There isn’t a huge difference between sodium butyrate and calcium magnesium butyrate. Both supplements will provide the same positive health results. However, you may want to […]