Chronic Stress and HPA Axis Dysfunction

Carrie Jones Season 4, Episode 6 on the DUTCH Podcast 18 July 2024 Learn more about how chronic stress affects the brain and the HPA axis in this episode of the DUTCH Podcast. Dr Deb Matthew joins Jaclyn Smeaton, ND, to discuss how to recognize hormonal changes caused by stress and consistently elevated cortisol levels, […]

Cortisol, Cognitive Function and Mental Health

Carrie Jones Season 4, Episode 4 on the DUTCH Podcast 4 June 2024 In this informational episode, Jaclyn and Carrie Jones discuss the connection between cortisol, cognitive health, mental health, and reproductive hormones. Cortisol can influence many parts of the body, including hormones, the prefrontal cortex, and stress resilience over time.   Stress resilience looks different […]

Revolutionising Mental Health: New Clinical Research on Cortisol, Memory and Mood

Dr Christopher Wakely & Dr Debby Hamilton Protocols In Action, Season 1 – Part 2 of 3     13 February 2024 Join Naturopathic Physician Dr Christopher Wakely and Dr Debby Hamilton, MD for an enlightening discussion that will change the way you understand mental health. Dr Wakely will take you through his perspectives on the […]

The Relationship Between HPA Axis Function and BMI

People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? Obesity in America has reached pandemic levels, and with the increased prevalence, there has been an increasing focus on the underlying drivers of obesity. The main focus used […]

Why You Should Reconsider that Morning Cup of Coffee

Jacob Terranova March 27, 2022 Is the first thing you think of when you roll out of bed in the morning a big cup of joe? Are you not yourself until that first sip perks you up?  Coffee has always been a great way to start the day, and millions of Americans rely on their […]

Supporting the Stress Response for Restful Sleep

Joanna Clarke – (BNat, Dip Nut, Dip Med Herb) Practitioner Consultant – Auckland Central, South and East The stress response is an intricate and innate feedback mechanism vital for survival in times of emergencies. It is best when activated sparingly so that the body can quickly return to a state of balance. However, when the […]

The Science Behind the Dad Bod

30 October, 2023 Dr Hilary Miller If you have heard the term “dad bod”, it probably triggered a distinct mental image. Body composition changes that smooth out muscular definition (increased body fat and decreased muscle mass) occur with ageing but may feel sudden or rapid after becoming a parent. This is familiar to men and women […]

Stress and Cortisol in the Type A Man

30 October, 2023 When we think of a Type A person, we generally think about high achievers, go-getters, motivated movers, and possibly more. In a society that is constantly on the go and demanding achievements and status, it can be easy to get caught up in the current of our societal structures – especially as a […]

The Stress and Sex Connection

Jaclyn Smeaton  September, 2023  Stress is a natural and normal part of life—but when it becomes chronic, it can have a major impact on your overall well-being, including your sexual health. Stress can affect your libido, arousal, and orgasm, and can even lead to sexual dysfunction.  Stress affects the sexual health of both men and […]

Practical Approaches to Stress Management

Dr Deb Matthew Summer School Edition EP02 on DUTCH Podcast Slow, sluggish mornings followed by sleepless nights should not be the norm—yet for many patients, this is their experience.   In this episode of the DUTCH Podcast, host Dr Jaclyn Smeaton and guest Dr Deb Matthew, talk about the profound impact that stress and cortisol have […]

Understanding Cortisol Curves

Kaitin Tyre Summer School Edition EP02 on DUTCH Podcast In this 19-minute podcast, Kaitlin Tyre breaks down what cortisol curve patterns to look for in each DUTCH report and talks about stress management techniques that can help patients improve their stress response. Stress can be real or perceived, the body doesn’t recognize the difference! That’s […]