Is Your Brain Health Deteriorating?

Dr Isaac Eliaz September 26, 2023 Researchers have discovered a promising new way to spot the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s disease — and it lies deep within the eyes.  A new study in the journal Acta Neuropathological involving retinal samples from 86 human donors gathered over 14 years, links cognitive impairment with retinal changes that […]

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy as You Age

People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? Aging is accompanied by many changes in your body, and your eyes are no exception. Some vision changes are expected with age. It can become harder to see […]

Cornbread Pot Pie for Eye Health

Cornbread Pot Pie for Eye Health TOTAL PREP TIME: 1.5 HOURS  Winter can be a fairly limiting time of year in terms of seasonal veggies. This makes it a great time of year to cook with frozen vegetables. Did you make a “yuck” face? There is NO NEED to fear frozen fruit or vegetables! Frozen […]

Nutrition and Blue Light Protection: Nutrients To Support Healthy Eyes

The use of digital devices is a normal part of our daily life, and most people don’t think twice about it.  In fact, you are likely reading this on a screen right now. But, unfortunately, our reliance on screens has a downside. Studies have shown that people who use screens more often are at risk of developing age-related eye conditions.i The concern has to do with increased exposure to a potentially […]

Supplements for Eye Floaters

One of the many challenges of aging is that you may start to notice blurry spots or shadows that seem to float around in your vision. No matter how many eye baths you take or eyedrops you squirt, they won’t go away. This is because floaters are not on your eye but inside your eye. […]

Screen Time Overload? How To Protect Your Eyes

More Americans are working from home or transitioning to online schooling than in the past, and the shift in locations means an increase in the time spent in front of a screen. Outside of work, many of us use social media platforms to stay connected with loved ones. We text, email, and videoconference for communication. […]