Supporting the Gut-Brain Axis Through Nutritional Supplementation
Updated on December 22, 2022 People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? Research suggests that the gastrointestinal tract is closely linked to neurological, emotional, and behavioural health via the gut-brain axis. Supporting the health of […]
Supplements for Neurological Health
People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? What Are Supplements for Neurological Health? Studies suggest that diet, exercise, and lifestyle can influence the onset and progression of several neurological conditions, thus your daily routine is […]
Why am I Tired – 7 Common Causes of Fatigue
People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? Do you feel tired all the time? Do you drift through most days in a sluggish state – even if you had a full night’s sleep? Unfortunately, because […]
Avoiding the Afternoon Energy Slump
People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? It tends to happen every day around the same time. It begins with a simple yawn, then your eyelids get heavy, and before you know it, you’re staring […]
Back To Work Brain Blues
Saying goodbye to the sun, sea and freedom after a relaxing holiday drenched in wine and chocolate, may be a little depressing. There’s nothing like a dose of the post-holiday blues to make you wish you’d chucked it all in and opened that yoga school in the Mediterranean… Nevertheless, its back to the normal routine, […]