Early Signs of Gastrointestinal Disease and What You Can Do About It

Written by Dr Thomas Wnorowski  June 21, 2024 Key Points: Gastrointestinal diseases are on the rise — and one of the best ways to avoid a diagnosis is to recognise symptoms and treat them early on. While we shouldn’t feel ashamed to talk about gut symptoms, they shouldn’t be normalised either. It’s time to take […]

Best Foods for the Gut Microbiome: How to Create an Environment for Recovery

Written by Dr Thomas Wnorowski  June 14, 2024   When considering gut health, we must prioritise the gut microbiome. While microscopic, gut bacteria are essential to forming a healthy ecosystem free of digestive issues. It helps to support the immune system, blood sugar regulation, and digestion as a whole. A diet that supports your gut […]

Can a Probiotic Help You with Weight Management?

  June 18, 2024 Most experts agree that the intestinal microbiome is highly important to normal digestion and immune function. They also agree that probiotics can help balance a healthy intestinal flora to promote these benefits. But now evidence is accumulating to suggest that the health of the intestinal microbiome has an effect on other aspects […]

How to Support Gut Health: The Essential Role of Butyric Acid

Updated on May 4, 2023 People take supplements to improve or optimize their health. So what happens when you look at the label, and the ingredient list is filled with unrecognizable additives? Article Summary Although gut health is essential to overall health and well-being, many individuals do not know how to best support their microbiome. […]